ALS San Diego Walk

Tark the Shark

Welcome to our team page!

Hi Family and Friends,

To help me keep it together I will keep this short.  Al is gone, ALS is the cause and that reminds me to help in any way I can to prevent it happening to someone else. 

Last years ALS Walk was upbeat and heartfelt.  Everyone who could was there to support Al and his  Tark the Shark (nickname since high school swim team!) by walking with us at Mission Bay in our outstanding blue t-shirts with the shark logo that Al choose.

This year ALS San Diego (the local ALS organization that I am supporting) is hosting their walk on Oct 13.  If you can join us or simply donate here. It's at De Anza Cove at Mission Bay and check in time is 9:ooam, walk starts at 10am.  

My plan now is to again order t-shirts for everyone on our Tark the Shark team, same logo, different date.   You can see from the photo what a great turnout we had and what a lot of fun, too. 

Thank you to all of you. The emails, texts, beautiful cards and sentiments, visits, restaurants, all the great food and treats......all remind me how much Al was loved and why he loved to live his life to the fullest.  I loved being along for the ride.

 As always, enjoy today,



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